élan’s MoneyLab®

élan’s MoneyLab®
We Seek to
Care enough to Speak Honestly;
Be Aware enough to Speak Kindly; and,
Be Wise enough to Speak Persuasively.
Balanced Counsel—
for Smart Clients®
About Elan
Practical Understanding and Effective Control
of your Organization
Elan/GreenLight Pages
Notice—Things Change
Life is constantly changing. Moreover, no general discussion can incorporate all the specific facts of your particular situation. Consult an experienced organizational consultant for particular questions.
Élan’s MoneyLab®
Elan's MoneyLab helps you gain practical understanding and effective control of your personal money attitudes and restraints-society's last remaining taboo.
Twelve Steps to Money Literacy · Avoiding Asset Anxieties
1.Acknowledge you're less in control of your money and feelings that you wish.
2.Be able to recognize and articulate your feelings-a full range.
3.Have a supportive active listener- partner, minister, barber, counselor,.
4.Know your net worth, assets, liabilities, income, expenses.
5.Recognize you are responsible for your financial wellbeing.
6.Accept there is no complete, accurate, valid, model of the global financial system.
7.Accept your feeling of financial incompetence.
8.Seek to increase your financial knowledge; learn.
9.Do your best, it is the best you can do. -R. Baden-Powell.
10.Watch your environments-choose nourishing, eschew toxic-Fritz Perls; Reduce passive tv, increase active, community.
11.Know your cares and your caring. -Milton Mayeroff
12. ...
To find out how Élan Associates can help you with your organization, contact:
Daniel Kegan, President
Élan Associates
29 Kendal Drive
Kennett Square PA 19348-2323
daniel -at- keganlaw.com
©1980-2023 Élan Associates All Rights Reserved.