élan Consulting

élan Consulting
Élan Increases
Practical Understanding and Effective Control
of your Organization
Balanced Counsel—
for Smart Clients®
Elan also offers
The MoneyLab®—
Avoiding Asset Anxiety
Elan/GreenLight Pages
•Elan Consulting
•GreenLight Flyer
•Client Portrait
•Daniel Kegan, Elan
Notice—Things Change
Life is constantly changing. Moreover, no general discussion can incorporate all the specific facts of your particular situation. Consult an experienced organizational consultant for particular questions.
Élan Associates®
Increase your
Practical Understanding and Effective Control
Of Your Organization
We help resolve problems of:
•Inefficiency & Waste
•Stress & Conflict
•Legal Compliance
Élan Associates provides professional services:
•Personal Executive Consultation
•Preventative Legal Audits
•Consultation to Consultants
•Forensic Survey Research
•Organizational Diagnosis
•Organization Development
•Intergroup Problem-Solving
•Meeting Design & Facilitation
•MoneyLab Seminars
Practical Understanding and Effective Control
Élan (pronounced A-lan) means enthusiasm, style, and spirit. Élan Associates are professionals helping organizations, groups, and individuals identify, understand, and transform those forces reducing their enthusiasm and effectiveness. Helping clients to understand and effectively control their organizations, our practical, results-oriented approaches are embedded in a concern for long-run consequences as well as immediate problem resolution.
Supportive Honesty
We care enough to speak honestly,
Seek to be aware enough to speak kindly,
And skilled enough to speak persuasively.
Expert Viewpoint of Skilled Professionals
Élan offers the expert viewpoint of skilled professionals. Keeping informed of the leading edge of management and organizational knowledge, Élan combines the best modern approaches with traditional concerns for integrity, effectiveness, and the worth of the individual. With the organization as its client, Élan also remains sensitive to confidentiality, ethics, and the rights and responsibilities of each person. With the key executive as client, Élan consults with him or her, enlarging the perspective and understanding of the cultural, organizational, group, and individual forces which shape choices, tensions, and rewards.
Inquiry · Confrontation
Choice · Collaboration
Organization Development (OD) guides much of our work. Organization Development is based on behavioral science findings and theories. These stress the value-both for the organization and the individual-of inquiry, confrontation, choice and collaboration. OD helps organization members remove the barriers which limit their effectiveness.
Specific Goals:
•Reducing People Problems of Computerization
•Crating an open, problem-solving climate
•Supplementing the authority of status with that of competence
•Building trust
•Reducing inappropriate competition and fostering collaboration
•Locating decision-making and problem-solving responsibilities close to the information sources
•Increasing the sense of commitment to the organization and its objectives
•Developing reward systems which recognize both organizational and individual goals
•Increasing self-control and self-direction for organization members.
To find out how Élan Associates can help you with your organization, contact:
Daniel Kegan, President
Élan Associates
29 Kendal Drive
Kennett Square PA 19348-2323
daniel - at - keganlaw.com
©1980-2023 Élan Associates All Rights Reserved.