Daniel Kegan, Élan

Daniel Kegan, Élan
We Seek to
Care enough to Speak Honestly;
Be Aware enough to Speak Kindly; and,
Be Wise enough to Speak Persuasively.
Balanced Counsel—
for Smart Clients®
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Notice—Things Change
Life is constantly changing. Moreover, no general discussion can incorporate all the specific facts of your particular situation. Consult an experienced organizational consultant for particular questions.
Dr. Kegan has designed and implemented institutional research and evaluation systems. His business experience includes establishing administrative, purchasing, and accounting systems, having line responsibility for personnel and finance, and managing a law firm.
Dr. Kegan has published widely on management, computers, interpersonal relations, evaluation, and education; has taught graduate, undergraduate, and adult education classes; and has presented at workshops and professional conferences. Registered as a psychologist in California, Illinois, and Massachusetts, Dr. Kegan is a qualified expert witness in forensic survey research. Swarthmore College granted Dr. Kegan a B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Northwestern University granted a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior and a J.D. in law.
Frequently consulted by the media for his expert views on psychology, money, management, and the law, Dr. Kegan's publications include Reducing the People Problems of Law Office Computerization; Survey Evidence in Copyright Litigation; The Cycles Surveys; Trust Effectiveness, and Organizational Development; and Avoiding Legal Problems When Marketing; Dangerous Delusions: Do It Yourself, Or Don’t; Discovering Electronically Stored Information: Self-Reliance and Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26.
To find out how Élan Associates can help you with your organization, contact:
Daniel Kegan, President
Élan Associates
29 Kendal Drive
Kennett Square PA 19348-2323
Ph 312=782-6495
elan - at - keganlaw.com
©1980-2023 Elan Associates All Rights Reserved.
Daniel L. Kegan, PhD, JD, is President of Élan Associates. A registered organizational psychologist, trademark and computer attorney, and software developer, he has consulted with professional, business, educational, human service, and scientific research and development organizations, working to increase both productivity and the quality of working life.