GreenLight’s Client Portrait®

GreenLight’s Client Portrait®
Calendar, Client, & Case Control
From A to Z®
GreenLight Gets You Going...
...Fast, Flexible & Friendly
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Notice—Things Change
Life is constantly changing. Moreover, no general discussion can incorporate all the specific facts of your particular situation. Consult an experienced organizational consultant for particular questions.
GreenLight® Software
GreenLight Gets You Going...
...Fast, Flexible & FriendlyTM
Calendar, Client, and Case Control From A to Z®
Client Portrait® v7
Client Control From A to Z®
Don't just struggle to survive, know your market and flourish. Client Portrait is designed for organizing hierarchical organizational data: personal contacts, their secretaries, parent and sibling corporations, subsidiaries, affiliated businesses, partnerships, sole practitioners, trusts; name changes, mergers & acquisitions.
Know who can make corporate decisions. Track clients and prospects by industry groups. Readily accommodates foreign entities, multiple phone and long E-mail numbers. Available user-defined fields, GreenLight open architecture, Helix ease and flexibility.
Recognize your referral sources, know written representation agreements need to be updated. See who's related to whom-clients, potential clients, former clients, adverse parties, government officials, vendors. Set a warning flag for adverse parties, difficult people, and other problems.
Expandable options, for small to medium firms as well as solos and large organizations.
Data Fields Include:
•Name-First, Last, Full, Nick
•Multiple Address Lines
•Foreign Country
•Phone, Fax, Cell, Web, More
•Long Email Address
•Corporate Form
•Referral Source
•Engagement Letter
•Billing Rates, Credit Card Number
•Multiple Tags for Custom Defined Groups
•No Mail Flag, Private Comments
•Customizable Fields and More
Relational Database Linkages:
•To Cases
•To Matters
•To Other Clients
•People, Businesses, Counsel,
•Adverse Parties
•Government Officials
Other Features:
•Famous Helix Data-Based Environment
•Flexible Reporting; Fixed & User Defined Sorts
•Open Architecture
•Relational Client-Server
•MultiUser Licenses Available
GreenLight thirty-day moneyback guarantee our products to work as we describe them.
Daniel Kegan, President
Élan Associates
29 Kendal Drive
Kennett Square PA 19348-2323
elan - at -
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