GreenLight’s CalendarEye®

GreenLight’s CalendarEye®
Calendar, Client, & Case Control
From A to Z®
GreenLight Gets You Going...
...Fast, Flexible & Friendly
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Notice—Things Change
Life is constantly changing. Moreover, no general discussion can incorporate all the specific facts of your particular situation. Consult an experienced organizational consultant for particular questions.
GreenLight® Software
GreenLight Gets You Going...
...Fast, Flexible & FriendlyTM
Calendar, Client, and Case Control
From A to Z®
CalendarEye® v7
Docket Control From A to Z® with Perspective
Gain perspective over your commitments. With CalendarEye you can flexibly organize and see who needs to do what when-whether today, this week, this month, this year, this decade, or beyond.
Integrated with GreenLight's Client Portrait and Cudgel, CalendarEye and the Helix relational database engine readily lets you see what you've done and what's left undone-by client, by attorney, by case, as well as by date.
CalendarEye supports the sole practitioner as well as the large firm with multiple supervision levels. Facilitates work flow management-when you can start a project, when you target completion, when your task is actually due, and grace periods, if available. Facilitates storage management with integrated file cull, close, and disposal options.
For each case and client matter, readily see your last and next required actions-for the firm and for each responsible person. Readily print client status reports.
Monitor and maintain government registrations and requirements-trademarks, patents, designs, copyrights, licenses, customs, more; designed for multiple venues from county to state to country. Integrated foreign exchange calculator.
Data Fields Include:
•Main Dates-File, Issue, Renewal, Lapse
•Main Numbers-Serial, Registration
•Title of Matter
•Trademark, Copyright, Patent
•Customs, Infringement, License
•Class/ Form-PTC
•Examiner's Name
•Licensees and Licensors
•Assignment History
•Last Major Action
•Next Expected Action
•Legal Deadline
•Key Historical Dates
•First Publication , Convention Priority
•Use/ Working Declarations
•Incontestable Trademarks, Renewals
•Extensions, Maintenance Fees/ Taxes
•Structure for Foreign Holidays
•Domestic & Foreign Deadlines and Exceptions
Other Features:
•Famous Helix Engine
•Flexible Reporting; Fixed and User Defined Sorts
•Open Architecture
• Concise Mapper™ Regional Summaries
• Integrated Form Letters, Multilingual Script Structure
• Rules Based Next Date Suggestions
•Relational Client-Server
•MultiUser Licenses Available
GreenLight thirty-day moneyback guarantee our products to work as we describe them.
Daniel Kegan, President
Élan Associates
29 Kendal Drive
Kennett Square PA 19348-2323
elan - at -
©2002-2023 Élan Associates All Rights Reserved.