GreenLight’s Cudgel®

GreenLight’s Cudgel®
Calendar, Client, & Case Control
From A to Z®
GreenLight Gets You Going...
...Fast, Flexible & Friendly
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GreenLight® Software
GreenLight Gets You Going...
...Fast, Flexible & FriendlyTM
Calendar, Client, and Case Control
From A to Z®
Cudgel with CalendarEye
Calendar, Client & Case Control From A to Z®
Chicago. GreenLight Software, a division of Elan, released version 7 of its flagship Cudgel with CalendarEye and Client Portrait software. Cudgel is a powerful, structured, flexible data environment in which attorneys and other professionals can place much of their work data and from which they can readily retrieve that data, automatically create intelligent short letters, and gain control over calendar, client marketing, and cases. Cudgel is designed to accommodate single and multi-user firms, newer computer users and power users.
CalendarEye gives its users perspective over commitments by managing workflow with target, start, due, grace dates. Its WhyTime simply structures complex deadline rules of diverse jurisdictions, while Mapper graphically displays clients, matters, cases by jurisdiction. For each matter, readily see the last and next required actions and he responsible staff person. CalendarEye helps to monitor and maintain government registrations of diverse venues from county to country trademarks, patents, designs, copyrights, licenses, customs, FDA, and more.
Client Portrait's hierarchical design efficiently organizes complex corporate contacts, personal contacts, secretaries, parent and sibling corporations, subsidiaries, affiliated businesses, partnerships, trusts, name changes, mergers, and acquisitions. With user defined groups, Client Portrait eases firm marketing, identifies potential conflicts of interest, prints multi-lingual form letters, and provides for Myers Briggs personality descriptions.
Comprehensive, patented simplicity. Most professionals will benefit from GreenLight's integration of efficient computer techniques, traditional management approaches, and today's marketing concerns. Litigators gain more. Patented litigation companion coordinates dates, pleadings, citations, facts, laws, costs, more, while helping evaluate evidence and witnesses. For many matters only the basic Cudgel data is needed. As a case develops the user-friendly additional data structures and links are available. "It's hard enough keeping track of evidence and cases in the early stages of a lawsuit," Cudgel's designer Dr. Daniel Kegan explained. "Keeping paper lists current and neat during trial can be a miracle. With Cudgel, an attorney has easier access to the multidimensional matrix of litigation information, and with the famous Macintosh user interface, even under the heat of trial, attorneys can keep organized. Moreover, they can use the same Cudgel companion to prepare for trial, at trial local rules permitting, and for appeal."
Five Concurrent User License, Guarantee. GreenLight 30-day moneyback guarantees its products to work as it describes them. The basic Cudgel license, US$995, includes five concurrent users. Cudgel requires a Macintosh and a separate Helix license: stand alone Engine (starting $150), RADE, and multi-user Helix licenses are available from QSA Toolworks. MacLaw, E-Trademarks-List, ISBA-IP, INTA, Copyright Society USA, AIPLA, and ABA-IP Members and enrolled law students eligible for major discounts (50%) on GreenLight software.
Cudgel Challenges Others. Can you easily distinguish your client John Smith Co (Delaware corporation, Illinois address) from your adverse party John Smith Co (IL corp, WY address), from Dr John Smith the expert witness in the case. Client Portrait® can. Can you flexibly show due dates where the law was amended March 1, 1989 and due dates differ depending whether the trigger event occurred before Nov 16, 1989 or after Nov 14, 1989? CalendarEye® can. Can you consistently manage both the small, brief settlement and the large, extended dispute from initial investigation through discovery and trial, through appeal dates, pleadings, witnesses, case authorities, evidence, motions, jurors, costs, notes. Cudgel® can.
Helix relational database environment, published by QSA Toolworks, initially launched in 1984, has grown from early client-server, multi-user versions to its current sophisticated features, with referential integrity and, for the power user, powerful technology with both iconic programming and AppleScripting. GreenLight provides its non-demo software as open architecture, making available to Helix RADE users the seven structural icons and 100 programming tiles of the full Helix customization environment.
Demo Downloadable. A comprehensive demonstration version of Cudgel is downloadable from <> The demo has extensive documentation plus MacGuide and Elan bonus files. Download the Cudgel folder to your computer. Open the folder and read the ReadMe document.
Cudgel is designed for the sophisticated and user friendly Macintosh and Helix platforms, and isn't now available for Windows. If calendar, client, or case control is important, Windows users should consider adding a Macintosh with Cudgel to their firm. See Apple's Why Switch to a Mac. Current Macintosh computers with Intel chips can run both Macintosh Operating System X and Windows. Windows users may also download and read much of the documentation.
Data structures, from A to Z, and functions include
Actors-Clients, Adverse Parties, Witnesses; Billing; Cites-Cases, Statutes, & other Authorities; Dates-case facts, docket deadlines; Evidence, Exhibits, Custody Chains; Facts-what you have to prove, disprove; Groups- for marketing, client bulletins; Help Hints online; Issues-the "whether" you must prove ; Jury-Voir Dire & trial notes; Law-Points of Law, with citation; Matters-track each pending motion in the case; Notes-Electronic refrigerator magnets; Orders-by the Court; Papers-Pleadings, Discovery/ Disclosure; Questions-for depositions or testimony; Rulings- trial objections & motions; Scripts-case, transactional, & firm form letters; Theme-cluster your client's cases by product or mega-corporation major divisions; Unit-Track the way you structure your practice; Vitals-monitor each file, with critical dates; World-Follow different countries, states, or counties; XRef, CrossReference Numbers; YTime, Structure for deadline rules; Zone-Know the location of exhibits, files
Functions include Flexible Reporting; Fixed & User Defined Sorts; GreenLight Open Architecture; Simple Task Timer and Invoicing; Client-Server, 5 concurrent Cudgel user license; Multi-lingual form letters structure. Additional data structures and functions developing in Cudgel 6.
GreenLight software is designed for the busy professional, to get them going with fast, flexible, and friendly management tools. Initially developing software for attorneys since 1984, GreenLight products can also be used by accountants, consultants, educators, commercial real estate firms, and related professionals.
Daniel Kegan, PhD, JD, a trademark, copyright and computer law attorney, organizational psychologist, and management consultant, designs GreenLight software and serves as counsel to other counsel. Dr. Kegan began personalized data base programming four decades ago. He has written dozens of computer programs and scores of research and popular articles including Reducing the People Problems of Law Office Computerization, Avoiding Legal Problems When Marketing, and Cudgel: My Litigation Companion, Winning with Computers: Trial Practice in the 21st Century; Discovering ESI: Self-Reliance and FRCivP 26.
Cudgel v1 received Sophistication 10, Ease of Use 10 ratings from Computer Counsel, which also found Cudgel an "excellent weapon for organizing and retrieving case information... Litigation attorneys will love Cudgel's ease of use, power and versatility." The dictionary defines "cudgel" as a short, heavy club. With today's competitive, complex environments, Dr. Kegan recommends professionals "speak softly and carry Cudgel®."
Cudgel® Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Daniel Kegan, President
Élan Associates
29 Kendal Drive
Kennett Square PA 19348-2323
elan - at -
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