
We Seek to
Care enough to Speak Honestly;
Be Aware enough to Speak Kindly; and,
Be Wise enough to Speak Persuasively.
Unsolicited Communications
Do not send us any confidential communication, unless we have already established an attorney-client relationship with you and we have both signed the KeganLaw engagement letter.
About KeganLaw
Since 1940, Kegan & Kegan, Ltd. has provided its clients personalized strategic advice, preventative guidance, and when needed crisis counseling and defense.
We identify, develop, and protect intangible business assets—trademarks, copyrights, patents, trade secrets, contracts, websites—and counsel other professionals on legal issues.
Notice—Laws Change
The law is constantly changing. Moreover, no general discussion can incorporate all the specific facts of your particular situation. Consult an attorney for particular legal questions.
Metra (UP-N)/ Winnetka.
Because the downtown Loop area is congested, we generally recommend people take public transportation to reach us.
Nearby parking is generally available at:
•Grant Park North Underground Garage, Michigan Ave Northbound, 1 block N of Monroe at Madison (left lane entry), 4 blocks east of us.
Alternatives if Grant Underground is full:
•Millennium Park Garage, Columbus Dr between Randolph and Monroe.
•Millennium/ Monroe St Garage, Columbus Dr between Randolph and Monroe.\
•Madison/Washington & Wells Self Park, 172 W Madison St, 312=704-0068, 2 bk west, 1 bk N.
•Monroe & Wells Garage, 183 W Monroe, System Parking Inc. 332-9612, 2 blocks west.
•AT&T Building, Monroe & Franklin, 3 blocks west.
•Mid-Continental Plaza Parking, 123 S Wabash, 332-6866.
•25 W Madison, 750-0931. General Parking Corp.
Ohare Airport.
CTA Blue Line from O’Hare to Monore/Madison at Dearborn
Midway Airport.
CTA Orange Line from Midway to Adams at Wabash.
Sightseeing Suggestions in Chicago
Chicago Map