Who We Are

Who We Are
We Seek to
Care enough to Speak Honestly;
Be Aware enough to Speak Kindly; and,
Be Wise enough to Speak Persuasively.
Balanced Counsel—
for Smart Clients®
About KeganLaw
Since 1940, Kegan & Kegan, Ltd. has provided its clients personalized strategic advice, preventative guidance, and when needed crisis counseling and defense.
We identify, develop, and protect intangible business assets—trademarks, copyrights, patents, trade secrets, contracts, websites—and counsel other professionals on legal issues.
KeganLaw Pages
Notice—Laws Change
The law is constantly changing. Moreover, no general discussion can incorporate all the specific facts of your particular situation. Consult an attorney for particular legal questions.
Who We Are
Daniel Kegan, PhD, JD
Daniel Kegan, PhD, JD has been an attorney since 1984 and is a qualified expert in forensic survey research. As a registered organizational psychologist and an organizational consultant with Élan Associates, he has four decades of practical business experience and is frequently consulted by the media. He received his BS in electrical engineering from Swarthmore College.
Admitted: Illinois and US District Court, Northern District of Illinois, 1984;
US Supreme Court, 1995.
Pro Hoc: Northern District California, Central District California, Southern District of Ohio, District of New Hampshire, Southern District of New York, Western District of Washington.
Education: Northwestern University, JD
(Intellectual Property) 1984;
PhD (Organizational Psychology) 1971;
Swarthmore College (Electrical Engineering) 1965.
Some Community Activities:
American Association of University Professors. <www.aaup.org>
Law Student Liaison, 1983-1984. Survey Committee Chair, 1984+.
American Psychological Association, 1971-date. <www.apa.org>,
Industrial Engineering, Law, Media Divisions.
Apple Consultant Relations, Computer Consultant, 1989+.
Illinois State Bar Association. <www.illinoisbar.org>
Intellectual Property Section, Council Member, 1987-date;
Chair 1993-94, Newsletter editor, 1988- date.
Organization Development Network, 1970-2007. <www.odnetwork.org>
Program of Research on the Management of Research and Development, Northwestern University, Consulting Researcher, 1971+.
Software Publishers Association, 1990-1998. Business Section Board, 1995+.
Swarthmore College Alumni Interviewer, 1971-date. <www.swarthmore.edu>
Some Distinctions:
American Bar Foundation, Fellow. <www.abf-sociolegal.org>
Click > View Touch Mark
First USA Copyright Registration for Non-Hierarchical Iconic Programming.
Click for > Iconic Copyright Case Report
Trademark Mediation Neutral, Northern District IL. <www.ilnd.uscourts.gov>
Inventor, Persuasion Organizer and Calculator, US Patent.
Qualified Expert Witness, Forensic Survey Research
First Prize, ASCAP Nathan Burkan Competition, Northwestern University.
Registered Psychologist. <www.apa.org>
Sigma Tau; Tau Beta Pi; Alpha Pi Mu; Sigma Xi.
Walter P. Murphy Fellow. Recipient.
Over the years, Daniel has edited several professional publications. For many years, he has edited the Intellectual Property Newsletter of the Illinois State Bar Association. Index and Abstracts of some recent years are available to the public at <www.isba.org/sections/ip/newsletter>.
Some Reported Cases:
Artmark. Artmark v E. Mishan, 26 USPQ2d 1201 (ND IL 1992) ( ($1.7 million trade dress & copyright infringement award on decorative crystal bells; Ultimate preclusion sanctions for defendant’s egregious discovery abuse); 32 ISBA Intellectual Property No. 2 (Dec 1992); 79 ABA Journal 39 (January 1993). Artmark-Mishan.pdf
Helix Copyright. Computer Program Written in On-Screen Icons Copyrighted. Guide to Computer Law 60,011 (June 9, 1989).
Respect. Respect Inc. v Fremgen, 36 USPQ2d 1278, 50 BNA Pat Trademark & Copyright J 290 (N.D. IL June 26, 1995, J. Gettleman, #93C 2817; 1995 WL 388081) (Damages for printer copyright infringement defendants limited to their own profits or statutory damages).
Ptak. Ptak Bros. Jewelry, Inc. v Gary Ptak and G. Ptak, Llc, 83 USPQ2d 1519 (SD NY, Judge Denny Chin). Broad preliminary injunction granted against Internet and other use of surname and deceptive trade practices. Click for PDF (200 kB)> Ptak-Chin29May07-PIJun.pdf Ptak, 2011 WL 253424 (SD NY 25Jan 2011, Judge Colleen McMahon). ˘Click for Summary> Rule 60 motion denied.
Click for > Favorite Published Papers by Daniel Kegan
Jay Giusti, Of Counsel to Daniel
Baron Harris Healey
Others We Work With, Local Counsel and Larger Cases
Since 1940 we have been a small firm focusing on intellectual property, providing our clients personalized strategic advice, preventative guidance, and when needed crisis counseling and defense. We work with other outstanding attorneys in other firms as local counsel and for larger cases. Click here for some of the other counsel we work with.
Balanced Counsel®
For over five decades Daniel has provided flexible, personalized, balanced counsel to his clients.