Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities
We Seek to
Care enough to Speak Honestly;
Be Aware enough to Speak Kindly; and,
Be Wise enough to Speak Persuasively.
Balanced Counsel—
for Smart Clients®
About KeganLaw
Since 1940, Kegan & Kegan, Ltd. has provided its clients personalized strategic advice, preventative guidance, and when needed crisis counseling and defense.
We identify, develop, and protect intangible business assets—trademarks, copyrights, patents, trade secrets, contracts, websites—and counsel other professionals on legal issues.
KeganLaw Pages
Notice—Laws Change
The law is constantly changing. Moreover, no general discussion can incorporate all the specific facts of your particular situation. Consult an attorney for particular legal questions.
Employment Opportunities
(Currently None)
Kegan & Kegan, Ltd. Since 1940, Kegan & Kegan, Ltd. has provided its clients personalized strategic advice, preventative guidance, rights enforcement, and when needed crisis counseling and defense. We focus our legal practice on United States and international trademark, copyright, computer and Internet law. Domestic and foreign clients seek our counsel for their new business ventures, general contract issues, licensing, negotiations, and litigation. We take pride both in our long term representation of established clients and in our quality representation of new clients.
Our Firm Goals Are...
To provide quality legal services to our clients and to create a quality working environment. What distinguishes our firm from others is the particular people we have, our experience, perspective, judgment, and skills. While recognizing we sometimes litigate with adversaries, we still seek to:
•Care enough to Speak Honestly;
•Be Aware enough to Speak Kindly; and,
•Be Wise enough to Speak Persuasively.
Employment Opportunities. We sometimes seek intelligent, flexible, Macintosh computer-literate, organized people for positions with our Chicago Loop trademark-focused law practice. If you are seeking employment and we have openings, please complete our Employment Application. Mail or email it with your resume and cover letter to us at 79 West Monroe St #1310-H, Chicago IL 60603-4931, info@keganlaw.com. We may not be able to respond to all unsolicited employment inquiries. We do not anticipate hiring in the near future.
Click here for Employment Application (PDF):