Clipper Newsletters

Clipper Newsletters
Notice: Laws and Context Change. The law is constantly changing. Moreover, no general discussion can incorporate all the specific facts of your particular situation. For particular legal questions, consult an attorney. For questions regarding these Clipper newsletters, consult Daniel Kegan.
38-Legacy IP-Isba IP-Dec2023.pdf
37-My Cudgel Companion-ABA 1991.pdf
36-Respecting Powerful Words-Isba IP NL-2021.pdf
35-Precedented insufficient COVID-19, IsbaIP.pdf
34-Who Owns News-© History, Review 2019.pdf
33-Political Trade Secrets-AbaLit-May2019.pdf
32-First Lady Copyright-JCSUSA 2018.pdf
29-Taking Default-Isba IP Nov2015.pdf
KeganLaw Clippers