Favorite Papers


Favorite Published Papers


Some Favorite Publications by Daniel Kegan:

Academia at Risk: Antiquated Intellectual Property Policy, 40 ISBA Intellectual Property 1, November 2000.

Admiralty Trademarks, 39 ISBA Intellectual property 1, March 2000.

Contradictions in the Design and Practice of an Alternative Organization: The Case of Hampshire College. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 17, 1, 79-97, January-March 1981.

Cudgel—My Litigation Companion. In John C Tredennick Jr, Ed. Winning With Computers: Trial Practice in the 21st Century. American Bar Association, 1991.

The Cycles Surveys: Longitudinal Indicators of the Quality of Student Life and a Framework for Evaluation and Administrative Experimentation. Evaluation Quarterly, 2, 2, 293-314, May 1978.

Organization Development As OD Network Members See It.  Group & Organization Studies, 7, 1, 5-9, March 1982.

Organizational Evaluation Using Time-Budget Studies of Settings: Uses of Time in a Nontraditional College, College Student Journal, 17, 3, 252-267, Fall 1983.

Political Trademarks: Intellectual Property in Politics and Government, 44 ISBA Intellectual property 1, October 2004. Reprinted in 41 ISBA Local Government Law 7, January 2005. Reprinted without footnotes in 2 Journal of Illinois Institute for Local Government Law 9, April 2005.

Probate Trademarks: Death, Reincarnation, and Survival of Intellectual Property Rights. 46 ISBA Intellectual property 1, October 2006.

The Pomrad Integrated Information System.  In Benjamin Mittman & Lorraine Borman (eds.) Personalized Data Base Systems.  New York: Wiley-Melville, 1975. (Daniel L. Kegan, William D. Neville, Albert H. Rubenstein, Charles F. Douds & Robert D. O'Keefe).

Reducing the People Problems of Law Office Computerization. Prepared for the 11th International Conference on Law Office Economics and Management, Bridge the Lawyer/Computer Gap, Section of Economics of Law Practice, American Bar Association, San Francisco, April 1984.  Reprinted in 25 Law Office Economics & Management 159 (Summer 1984).  Click for PDF: People Problems.pdf.

Survey Evidence in Copyright Litigation, 32 Journal of the Copyright Society 283 (June-August 1985).

Trust, Effectiveness, and Organizational Development: A Field Study in Research and Development Laboratories.  Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 9, 4, 498-513, July-August 1973.  (Daniel L. Kegan & Albert H. Rubenstein).

United States Federal Food and Drug Administration May Consume Food Trademarks, 87 Trademark Reporter 199, March-April 1997. (DL Kegan & Diane S Lidman).

Using Bloom's Cognitive Taxonomy for Curriculum Planning and Evaluation in Nontraditional Educational Settings. Journal of Higher Education, 48, 1, 63-77, January-February 1977.

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