Who We work with

Who We work with
We Seek to
Care enough to Speak Honestly;
Be Aware enough to Speak Kindly; and,
Be Wise enough to Speak Persuasively.
Balanced Counsel—
for Smart Clients®
About KeganLaw
Since 1940, Kegan & Kegan, Ltd. has provided its clients personalized strategic advice, preventative guidance, and when needed crisis counseling and defense.
We identify, develop, and protect intangible business assets—trademarks, copyrights, patents, trade secrets, contracts, websites—and counsel other professionals on legal issues.
KeganLaw Pages
Notice—Laws Change
The law is constantly changing. Moreover, no general discussion can incorporate all the specific facts of your particular situation. Consult an attorney for particular legal questions.
Who We Worked With
Since 1940 we have been a small firm focusing on intellectual property, providing our clients personalized strategic advice, preventative guidance, rights enforcement, and when needed crisis counseling and defense. We work with other outstanding attorneys in other firms as local counsel and for larger cases.
University of Illinois BSEE 1966; University of Illinois JD 1971. Adjunct faculty, John Marshall Law School. Illinois State Bar Association, Computer Law Committee Chair 1984-88, Chicago Bar Association, Computer Law Committee 1989. Much Shelist.
Cornell University (Ithaca NY) BA 1978, Loyola University JD 1981.
Jeffrey Costell. Syracuse University BA 1976; Georgetown University JD 1980. Alex Cornelius. Arizona State University BS 1990. Pepperdine JD 1995.
Rensselear Polytechnic Institute BMe 1957; New York University LlB 1962, LlM 1964. Frequent lecturer and author of many articles, including several course handbooks for the Practicing Law Institute. Gottlieb, Rackman & Reisman.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology SBEE 1986; Emory University MBA 1991; Emory JD 1991. University of Houston Law Center, Adjunct Profession, 1995-2003. Law Clerk to Honorable Alan Lourie, US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 1991-93. General Electric Co, Engineer 1986-87. Mayer Brown.
John Mugno
Arizona State University BSEE 1983; Arizonia State University JD 1988.
Hastings College of Law JD 1956. US Trademark Association, Trademark Review Commission. North Central California Costal Commission, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Bay Conversation Development Commission. Owen Wickersham & Erickson.
University of Notre Dame BS 1975; University of Michigan MS 1976; University of Toledo JD 1979. counsel to International Trademark Association, former Board of Directors member.
University of Illinois BA 1975; University of Illinois JD 1978. John Marshall University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, BA, Loyola University of Chicago, JD. Concentrates on fraudulent transfers, business litigation, complex collections, confession of judgment, debtor-creditor, condominium, and foreclosure defense. Schwartz & Kanyock, LLC.
Patricia Smart
University of Illinois BA 1975; University of Illinois JD 1978. John Marshall Law School, Adjunct Professor. American Intellectual Property Law Education Foundation, Trustee, 2002-. Smart & Bostjancich.
DePauw University AB 1956, Duke University JD 1959. Duke Law Journal, Former City Attorney, American Arbitration Association, Arbitrator. Sondee, Racine & Doren.
DePaul University BA Economics 1973, JD 1976. University of California, Los Angeles, Law School, Adjunct Professor 2006, 2007. University of Southern California Law School, Adjunct Professor 2003-2005. Copyright Society of USA, Board of Directors, 1997-99. Century City Bar Association, Board of Directors, 2006-. Irell & Manella.
Balanced Counsel®
For over six decades Kegan & Kegan, Ltd has provided flexible, personalized, balanced counsel to our clients.